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Staff Program Introduction

(Course # SIC II)


Our SIC Group is aimed at developing the responsibilities of each member of the implant team and providing information essential to auxiliaries working with dental implant and esthetic patients.  The program will evaluate the interaction of implant and esthetic patients and team members and review methods the auxiliary team can enhance and help guide patients through implant and esthetic therapy and its various components. 


Who Will Benefit?


Dental Hygienists and Auxiliary Staff


     Program Objectives:


         -Develop an appreciation for the role of dental implants in the maintenance of oral health

·        -Identify potential medical and medicinal complications related to implant dentistry

·        -Develop a knowledge base related to treatment planning implant cases

·        -Understand the causative factors of bone loss around implants

·        -Describe implant techniques for effective case presentations

·        -Understand how to discuss treatment fees and present financial options

·        -Review the techniques and skills involved in implant maintenance

·        -Develop techniques for good intra/inter office communication and documentation

·        -Understand the radiological importance during treatment planning

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